Auditive Staging
Shopping-Center - Shops - Events - Museums - Exhibitions – Trade Fairs & Shows

What is the sound in your shopping centre? Your Hotel? Your Flagship Shop? Your event?
By means of a new type of sound implementation your rooms will awaken from monotony and change to an inspiring, and, as the case may be, even to a fascinating and magical experience.

Music spilling from the ceiling is as old as the 1970s!
It is time for a new way of design thinking, especially concerning sound in the room.
We have developed a vision that creates an amazing customer experience and fills the rooms with emotions in an innovative and sensual way.
This is exactly what the retailer needs today.

The shopping centre becomes a huge, subtle multi-dimensional sound sculpture. The visitors experience an unprecedented and fascinating spatial atmosphere. The emotional and inspiring sound scenery takes effect as psychological priming for the products in the different shops.

What is the sound atmosphere that welcomes the hotel guest in the lobby? What is the welcome sound in the hotel room? How are the spaces in the spa sounding? Is there even a “dream room” where the hotel guests can spend a relaxing time - listening to sound atmospheres in an exquisite 3D surround sound?

In these times of online technologies physical shops have to re-invent themselves.
In shops, usually music is spilling from the ceiling. This has been going on since the 1970s and can neither really be considered innovative nor is it a great sound and spatial experience.
Next generation shops must develop beyond the routine of spilling songs from the ceiling. It ought to become a sensual drifting into the specific product world of the shop. All senses – including sound - play an important role.
We offer our customers RETAIL SOUND 4.0 – a sound experience that will surprise your clients. Enchant your shop with 3D atmospheres where sound fills the room from different directions and, if you wish, is perfectly adjusted to your video-signature screens.
Make your shop exciting with a new thinking of sound.

The use of sound at an event can go way beyond background music.
Sound can create novel impressions for space and situations. Sound can create magic moments and excitement if applied in a cinematic way and in combination with real storytelling.
The whole customer journey – from invitations per e-mail till follow-ups on events – can be shaped by sound. The universe of sounds will prime and activate the customers’ imagination and fantasy and thereby increase the curiosity and interest in the event.
At the event itself, multi-channel sound worlds can create new emotional and spatial experiences.

Is your museum still silent? Or is it alive?
If you visit a silent dinosaur exhibition in a museum you will just enter a room with dinosaur puppets in a field of plastic plants. But turning on the sound experience the room will instantly come alive. Physical exhibits and artificial situations suddenly become full of life and real.

For the ancient culture museum Basel, where a tomb from the pharao sethos II was rebuilt as a 1:1 faximile, we realized a tonal artwork, which has been created specially for this exhibition. It interprets the journey of Ra, the god of the sun, through the netherworld, as it is depicted in the tomb.

City Sound Intervention "underworlds"
In cooperation with the Association For The Hearing Impaired of North-West-Switzerland and the City of Basel, we conducted an artistic sound installation with a very clear and defined aim: To make pedestrians aware of the preciousness of hearing.
People walking along the street get startled out of their thoughts and routine. They are intended to break their stride for a short moment and experience an acoustic adventure in a completely surprising and unheard-of way. The sounds are coming from below the street – where they never come from. The setting is astonishing, yet what can be heard is basically familiar and pleasant.
More information on this art project can be found at www.headroom.ch