It's not about music style. It's about emotional, mental and imagination design!
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Audio Storytelling

websites & apps – telephone – events – podcast & social media - conferences

Everyone is talking about storytelling! ... but, have you ever thought about where and when storytelling started? What is the most original and strongest form of storytelling – what has been the REAL story telling for ages?

  websites & apps – telephone – events – podcast & social media - conferences   Everyone is talking about storytelling! ... but, have you ever thought about where and when storytelling started? What is the most original and strongest form of

websites & apps – telephone – events – podcast & social media - conferences

Everyone is talking about storytelling! ... but, have you ever thought about where and when storytelling started? What is the most original and strongest form of storytelling – what has been the REAL story telling for ages?

 It is the story telling in its truest sense: telling a story! Literally. As an acoustic event from mouth to ear. It started when people told stories to each other at night in front of a fire… fairytales, myths, news…  The oral tradition of storytell

It is the story telling in its truest sense: telling a story! Literally. As an acoustic event from mouth to ear. It started when people told stories to each other at night in front of a fire… fairytales, myths, news…

The oral tradition of storytelling is still the strongest and most intensive way: a good voice tells a good story. The audience is captured 100 per cent! Which medium can achieve such engagement?

In addition, you are not ‘tied’ to one place when listening. You can listen anywhere: When travelling by car, train or airplain, jogging, cooking, walking or knitting…

Discover and realise audio storytelling in all its diversity! Utilise the potential for your applications.



You want to publish your brand new story and do so in a completely new audio format! The customer has put on the headphones and is curious to hear what's coming. You have 100% attention! Now your AUDIO ADVENTURE begins as a cinematically designed listening adventure. You choose the genre and achieve a quality of imagination and immersion for the listener that you can never achieve with a film! Audio Only makes it possible.

The audio adventure can also be staged as a live event - as a live radio play! - and used in partial formats as audio snippets in social media. Imagin! (see audio event below)

  WEBSITES   Yes, a website should be silent. But with a user friendly twist, your products and your visions can be told in an exciting and gripping auditive manner.   The user can hear your excellent sound story offer – and enjoy it even more with h


Yes, a website should be silent. But with a user friendly twist, your products and your visions can be told in an exciting and gripping auditive manner.

The user can hear your excellent sound story offer – and enjoy it even more with high-end headphones or on the home-cinema equipment…

Open up a new and sensual space on your website! We will show you how to do it!

  TELEPHONE   The telephone is still one of the most important contact points between a company and their customers. Here you have a personal one to one contact with your client. The client’s effort of getting in touch with you should be appreciated.


The telephone is still one of the most important contact points between a company and their customers. Here you have a personal one to one contact with your client. The client’s effort of getting in touch with you should be appreciated.

Automated Telephone Services are highly suitable for Real Storytelling. Let your customers immerse into your unique telephone world! We are happy to show you our reference projects.

For Lebenslust Touristik in Berlin, we developed and produced a fundamentally new telephone world with a specific voice and character, setting, terminology and various scenes, according to the different contents needed.

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  TELL THE STORY OF YOUR COMPANY - IN A NEW WAY   Everybody wants to hear an exciting story! Events and company anniversaries are especially well-suited for Real Storytelling!  Is there a special occasion where you want to apply intense emotion? No p


Everybody wants to hear an exciting story! Events and company anniversaries are especially well-suited for Real Storytelling!

Is there a special occasion where you want to apply intense emotion? No problem! You can achieve these intensive moments by use of voice, auditive scenery and multi-channel-3D-sound.

Nothing can be more exciting or stronger than to use every single person’s imagination and fantasy. Use this power for your event or at your company anniversary. Let your guests immerse into the story of the event or the history of the company - told by a storyteller. They will feel just like you when you where carried away by an exciting story when you were a child….

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  PODCAST   Podcast is a truly interesting and effective medium. It has had a great comeback and holds a great potential to create new standards in social media.  In the US, podcasts are taking the same development today as TV series did ten years ag


Podcast is a truly interesting and effective medium. It has had a great comeback and holds a great potential to create new standards in social media.

In the US, podcasts are taking the same development today as TV series did ten years ago. Today, podcasts are being produced in an excellent production quality. Today already every tenth US citizen listens to one podcast per week, with an upward trend.

Transform your image or product story into a podcast. Tell it in the form of a thrilling series that captures and hooks on your subscribers. It will be our pleasure to support you.